Summer learning journey

This week our class did a SLJ task, the task was about making a superhero and making a back story for him or her.

First I wrote what I wanted to search up on on a google doc.

Next I added what I wrote and put it into the search bar so it could generate my superhero.

Lastly I added a family tree and a back story to him and then I blogged.

I enjoyed writing keywords to search up on I did well on making the backstory. I need to improve on writing keywords.

Christmas wish list

This week for writing we wrote a letter to Santa.

First we started with a proper salutation and ackowledge him and the reindeers.

Next we started our wish list of what we wanted mine including a ps5.

Lastly we wrote our regards and a merry christmas to santa.

I enjoyed writing my wish list. I did well on my regards. I need to improve on my wish list.


This week we learnt about inffering in reading.

First we got given an task about inffering and what I can see and tell from the picture, we got given questions about whaat we could see in the image and describe what we see.

Next we got given 9 images to infer about and what we could see in that.

Lastly once we finished that we made our own infers and what we could see.

I enjoyed inferring. I did well at inferring. I need to improve on answering questions.

Supply and demand.

This week  I learnt what supply and demanding is about.

First I read a book about suplly and demanding and there was a quiz at the end of the book.

Next I made a copy of supplyng and demanding and there was 12 questions in total.

Lastly I finished answering and blogged.

I enjoyed reading. I did well at the quiz. I need to improve on doing the quiz.

Bookmarks and pencil cases

This week we had an school gala and my class was selling bookmarks and pencil cases.

First I made my design and what I wanted on the pencil case.

Next I wrapped the tin so it could not show anything that represents a pringle can.

Lastly I wrapped my design and sold it for 1 token.

I enjoyed making my design. I did well at making my design. I need to improve on wrapping the pringle can.

Shotput and high jump – PE

This week I did shotput and high jump for PE.

First I did high jump and had to carry a blue mat to safely land on.

Nextly coach lazarbeam taught me how to land on our feet using the “scissor” method where we jump and then land swiftly. Next we did shotput and coach lazarbeam taught me how to throw the ball as in not throwing but pushing it as far as it can go.

Lastly we played dog tag where you pull off the bib from someones pocket. My team one which was green team.

I enjoyed playing dog tag. I did well at shotput. I need to improve on high jump.


This week for hpe we did discus.

First I learned how to throw a discus.

Next I threw the discus.

Lastly my friend loa marked where it landed.

I enjoyed playing discus. I did well at throwing the discus. I need to improve on my aim.

What is a prototype

This week I learnt what a prototype is.

First I watched a video about prototypes and what it is.

Next I made a DLO  about what a prototype is.

Lastly I decorated it.

I enjoyed making the DLO. I did well at making the DLO. I need to improve on decorating.

Figure it out -Gala

This week I got a word problem equation.

I firstly started using a math book to do the equations I used my chromebook to check if it was right.

Next I got onto the harder equations I think it was pretty hard.

Lastly the last slide was the longest equation and the hardest one.

I enjoyed do the equations. I did well at the equations. I need to improve on doing equations faster.

Research – Space

This week I was allowed to choose a topic to research about.

First I made a brainstorm and chose which one to choose.

Next I made a fact file about my topic.

Lastly I wrote about topics in space like universes, and galaxies.

I did well at making the fact file. I need to improve on thinking about topics. I enjoyed making the fact file.